Lowball Offers

Nashville real estate – Some buyers have determined that sellers, and listing agents, will accept any offers now. And they want to go straight to the listing agent to make the offer. I had a call last week from someone interested in one of my new construction listings. He needed to move quickly he said, and he had specific criteria. After showing him the 5 homes currently available by my builder, he said he would think about it and call me over the weekend.

Saturday evening he called and said he was in the area waiting on a realtor to let him into a home, and that he would be by soon. I explained what a buyers agent does, and how as the buyer he doesn’t have to pay any additional cost to be represented, but that they could help him find a home and negotiate the deal. His comment was that he can deduct the buyers agent fee from the price if he doesn’t have one.

Excuse me, I don’t think so. As a professional, you have to take a stand. This is where I take mine. I would much rather have a buyers agent take all the risk of working with this bozo and pay them, than do it myself for nothing. Why buyers would think otherwise really confuses me.


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